Find Your Compass Group USA 401(k) Plan
Compass Group USA
Headquarters: 2400 YORKMONT ROAD, CHARLOTTE, NC, 28217
Phone Number: 704-328-4082
EIN: 56-1874931
Compass Group USA 401(k) Plan Information
Compass Group USA's 401(k)
Provider: Fidelity
Plan Logo: [Fidelity Logo]
Find My Compass Group USA 401(k)
Website: [Fidelity 401(k) Login]
Phone Number: 800-835-5095
Fax Number: 1-877-330-2476
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday: 8:30 am - 12 am EST (No weekend hours)
Address: PO Box 770002, Cincinnati, OH, 45277-0090
Accessing Your Compass Group USA 401(k) Plan Online:
To access your Compass Group USA 401(k) plan online, please visit the Fidelity website. You can log in by entering your username and password. If you've forgotten your login credentials, you can use the "Forgot Login" feature to reset your username and password. If you are a new user without login credentials, you can also register on the Fidelity website.
Options for Former Compass Group USA Employees:
If you previously had a 401(k) plan through Compass Group USA at Fidelity and no longer work there, you have several options:
Leave it with Fidelity.
Roll it over into an individual retirement account (IRA).
Roll it over into a new 401(k) plan.
Withdraw the funds, though this may incur tax penalties.
Get Help Finding Your 401(k) Plan from Compass Group USA:
Our experts are here to guide you through the process, help verify your identity, and assist you in claiming your account.
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Compass Group USA 401(k) Plan Details
Compass Group USA offers the COMPASS GROUP RETIREMENT PLAN through Fidelity.
This plan covers 215,466 employees.
This information page provides all the necessary details for M&A Wealth's "FIND MY 401(K)" service for Compass Group USA, helping employees access and manage their 401(k) plans efficiently.