Girl and boy doing carfting at home

There are plenty of easy ways you and your family can begin saving money while having fun. Whether you’re looking to save $100 or $10,000, we want you to be able to have a fun Summer, without experiencing spenders remorse.

1- Join Your Local Library

Experience everything at your local library and enter thousands of realms without having to leave the comfort of your own home! The majority of libraries offer free memberships, meaning you can take a collection of books home for the whole family to enjoy.

2- Plan A Summer Budget

It’s going to be difficult to last the entire summer without spending a dime. Figure out how much money you and your family are willing to set aside for recreational activities, and research activities within your budget. If you make a budget, you won’t find yourself looking at your bank account in horror at the end of the summer.

3- Look at Your Town/City’s Upcoming Events and Festivals

You’d be surprised by what your town may offer for free! Join local Facebook groups, or find your town calendar. A great resource in Sugar Land is

4- Childhood Fun

Think back to your childhood. What did you enjoy? Roasting marshmallows over the fire, building a blanket fort with couch cushions, making ‘potions’ with dirt, glitter, and water… Step away from your device, and spend some time engaging in childhood activities with your family and friends.

5- Arts and Crafts Day

Find all the art supplies you have lying around, chuck them on the dining table, and let your imagination run wild! It kept us entertained for hours as children, and there is no reason as to why it can’t do the same now!

6- Full Kitchen Traveling

If you and your family are going away, try to find a cheap place to say that includes a full kitchen! This stops you from spending unnecessary amounts of money on takeaways or restaurants.

7- Decluttering

Not only will it feel like you have a brand-new home after decluttering your unused items, but you may also be able to bring home a little extra cash. Next time you have the time, take a look around your house and think about what you would be willing to part ways with. You can use resources such as eBay, Craigslist or Offerup to sell items you no longer need.

8- Ditch the Car

Don’t forget, it’s warm out now! Drag out the bikes, the skateboards, the scooters, and head into town, the countryside, or just around the suburbs for a sunny day adventure.

There are plenty of ways to have fun without breaking the bank. It’s crucial to plan ahead, budget, and be creative. In doing so, you’re bound to have a summer to remember.

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